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Stand Up, Sit Down, Lie Down

You probably already knew that any asana can be modified to make it more accessible using a strap, a block, a bent knee, a long spine, but did you also know that they can be adapted for practitioners without use of their legs, arms, or eyes, for those in a wheelchair or bed-ridden?

Counterpart Asanas

Most basic & intermediate asanas can be replicated lying down, seated, & standing. They can be experienced with or without props & modified or adapted as needed, as long as the integrity of the spine is maintained. Stop when you feel a stretch & breathe. Your body will tell you when it's ready to go deeper.

Variations on Forward Fold

Yoga is for everyone- for all bodies. Here are a few variations on Wide-Legged Forward Fold- all achieving, hamstring, calf & achilles stretch, sometimes inversion and creating space between the vertebrae.

Alignment is Key

It doesn't improve your strength or flexibility to push past your edge or forgo protecting your joints (the spine being one of them), in order to achieve depth in an asana or speed while moving from one to another. In fact, it can do the exact opposite when even minor injury occurs. Let your breath lead your body, your body lead your intention, and your intention lead your thoughts back to your breath.

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